Learner Declaration




I confirm that I have received information, advice and guidance concerning the Skills Bootcamp entitled HGV Skills Bootcamp information session delivered by The National Logistics Academy. This included information about the course, its entry requirements, the expected workload of the course, number of guided learning hours (both taught and self-learning) and the support* available to me.


*For example, wraparound career and personal development support considering my employment history and existing skills; sector-specific Behavioural Skills Support for employment in the logistics sector, assistance with the drafting of my CV and preparation for interviews personalised to my individual learner needs. Such support may include but is not limited to:


  • giving interview preparation and guidance from industry professionals or Employers, with experience in the sector.
  • Tailored career coaching from industry professionals with experience in the logistics sector

I am clear what I will achieve by completing this Skills Bootcamp and agree to attend an interview with an employer (for a job using relevant skills gained from the Skills Bootcamp) arranged for me by the supplier /delivery partner named above (unless I am self-employed, or learning with the support of my existing employer and they are contributing to the cost).


I agree to provide all data and information requested by the provider on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE) to inform evaluation of the Skills Bootcamps programme.  This will include:

  • Sharing information about my income before the Skills Bootcamp and afterwards when I achieve a positive outcome. A positive outcome is defined as an offer of a new job or an apprenticeship for independent learners, a new role/enhanced role utilising the new skills acquired on the Skills Bootcamp for learners co-funded by an employer or, obtaining new opportunities/contracts for self-employed learners.
  • Responding to and engaging with follow-up communications from the supplier/delivery partner named above following completion of the training component of a Skills Bootcamp, and during the next six months, to record my progression as a result.


I will:

  • Take appropriate responsibility for my own learning, development and progression.
  • Attend and participate in the training required to successfully complete the Skills Bootcamp.
  • Promptly inform the supplier/delivery partner named above and employer if applicable, if any matters or issues arise, or might arise, that will, or may, affect my learning, development, and progression.


I understand that the supplier/delivery partner named above has the right to cancel my enrolment if I have provided false or inaccurate information.


I agree that this information can be used to process my data for contractual requirements, in particular to the disclosure of all the data on this form or otherwise collected about me to the DfE for the purposes noted in the Privacy Notice [Privacy Notice for Individuals and Privacy Notice Q&A].


I understand that if I am not satisfied with any aspect of my Skills Bootcamp and wish to raise a complaint I should do so in the first instance with the supplier/delivery partner named above by following their complaint process with full details of the issue. If I am not satisfied with how my complaint has been dealt with, I understand that I may write to DfE through their Whistleblowing and Complaints process.

You can download our Learner Declaration below


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